Literature | Grades 9-12+

Old Western Culture

Inherit the Humanities

What is it?

For centuries, the study of the great books has been central to education. Old Western Culture is your guide through the great books.

Old Western Culture is a robust great-books, dual-credit honors-level curriculum, but it is first and foremost storytelling. Learn, appreciate, and inherit “old Western culture” as C.S. Lewis coined the term.

Honors Track (default schedule) or Essentials Track available.


Watch a video lecture of summary, context, commentary, analysis, and inter-disciplinary connections of the great books.


Read the texts of the great books themselves, using the Old Western Culture Readers, digital versions that come with the course, or the editions in your own library.


Answer the questions in the student workbook on your own or use them as discussion questions in a group.

Old Western Culture Readers

This sixteen-volume great books reader series was developed as a companion to the Old Western Culture great books curriculum, but also stands on its own.
Available in paperback and hardback (NEW!)

Try Old Western Culture | Lectures and Materials

Receive the first three lectures from Old Western Culture, as well as a sample workbook, Reader, Exam Pack, and other introductory material. Sign up below:

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